Clean office
We Take exams by appointment. You can request one online at our website.
Easier Check-in
Nobody likes filling out forms at doctor offices. We’ve made check-in easier. You will be asked to fill out check-in information with your personal smartphone. You may even complete it prior to coming in for your appointment. In the office, you can also text us your insurance information.
Sanitizing the Exam Room and equipment
All office equipment will be sanitized with alcohol prep pads and disinfecting wipes. Points of contact in the exam room will be thoroughly cleaned and prepped before each new patient. Office space will be cleaned multiple times a day.
clean hands
Hand alcohol sanitizers are located throughout our office. Hand soap is also available. All patients are encouraged to clean their hands as soon as they come in.
social distancing
We suggest patients to bring only one family member or friend if they need assistance. This is for social distancing guidelines and to prevent over-crowding in the office space. We also request that patients be on schedule to prevent overcrowding.
Frame try-ons
All glasses have been disinfected and cleaned after patients have tried on before returning back on the shelf. You may also request we clean the frames before you try on.